From every corner of the Egyptian society they rise. If Mubarak is complacent before, well he got something else coming. Look at the defiance on that woman's face. Dictators beware. Yeah ... I am talking to you Yahya Jammeh. Gambians will eventually rise up and take their country back.

It is awe inspiring. If Mubarak weathered this storm, he will have to open up Egypt to serious transparency. My gut tells me he is done, just like Ben Ali of Tunisia. Take a look at this picture:

Huffington post has a live update going on at this LINK....
The Daily Kos as usual has some of the most exhaustive discussion of the events taking place on that community blog.
Here is a link to the Daily Kos discussion board.
Aljazeera is running a Live stream of the events happening in Egypt. The role of Aljazeera in disseminating opposition views on the Arab street is consequential.
Here is the Aljazeera Live stream in english

It is awe inspiring. If Mubarak weathered this storm, he will have to open up Egypt to serious transparency. My gut tells me he is done, just like Ben Ali of Tunisia. Take a look at this picture:

Huffington post has a live update going on at this LINK....
The Daily Kos as usual has some of the most exhaustive discussion of the events taking place on that community blog.
Here is a link to the Daily Kos discussion board.
Aljazeera is running a Live stream of the events happening in Egypt. The role of Aljazeera in disseminating opposition views on the Arab street is consequential.
Here is the Aljazeera Live stream in english
Take a look at these photos and tell me you are not inspired. Egyptians came out en-mass in defiance of dictatorial orders not to protest.

The look on that elderly woman's face is priceless. She took a gallant stance for liberty. In an authoritarian country like Egypt, the consequences of this action is life altering. She knew this could cost her her life, but took a stand anyway. She is all guts.

The youth were out in force as well. Reminds me of scenes reported out of Gambia in the student demonstrations of April 2000. The difference between the two encounters is the stance taken by the older generation in support of the youth uprising. In the case of the Gambia, the elders cowered in fear while fourteen people were murdered by the military. Not a peep. What do you think would have happened if you have a few Gambian grandmas stood up for the youth like the Egyptian lady pictured above. The story would have been different.
The Arab street is rising up using social networks to challenge entrenched dictators. It started in Tunisia, moved on to Egypt. Mean while Gambians are castigating one another for losing an election that is not even contested yet. the contrast is so heart wrenching.

The look on that elderly woman's face is priceless. She took a gallant stance for liberty. In an authoritarian country like Egypt, the consequences of this action is life altering. She knew this could cost her her life, but took a stand anyway. She is all guts.

The youth were out in force as well. Reminds me of scenes reported out of Gambia in the student demonstrations of April 2000. The difference between the two encounters is the stance taken by the older generation in support of the youth uprising. In the case of the Gambia, the elders cowered in fear while fourteen people were murdered by the military. Not a peep. What do you think would have happened if you have a few Gambian grandmas stood up for the youth like the Egyptian lady pictured above. The story would have been different.
The Arab street is rising up using social networks to challenge entrenched dictators. It started in Tunisia, moved on to Egypt. Mean while Gambians are castigating one another for losing an election that is not even contested yet. the contrast is so heart wrenching.

This is the first house built in the village of Saba. It is not dated for obvious reasons: the owner and the society at large when this house was built have no inclination to the western idea of date and time.
This blog post is a prelude to the research I am doing relating to the founding of Saba and how its rightful founder came to be robbed of his settlement. One thing is not disputed in Saba: that the picture above is, in fact, the first house built in the village. Which begs the question, who owns that house then? The answer will surprise the revisionists running around the world wide web calling Madiba Singhateh the founder of Saba.
Bolokele Singhateh is the owner of the first house built in Saba. His family still owns the house and property upon which it stands. Bolokele Singhateh is the founder of Saba. This is a prelude to the larger write up I am working on. The lie that Madiba founded Saba has been perpetrated for some time now. It is time to challenge the nonsense with facts. Facts ma'am just facts. Stay tuned...
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